1995 Work Program

1995 Work Program


Eastern Rim of the Valley
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Big Tujunga Wash ROV High Extreme development threat. Regional ecological and recreational significance.
Chandler Canyon ROV High Excellent resource values, high channelization threat.
Cherry Canyon-

Phase IV- San Rafael Hills

(La Canada/


ROV High Excellent habitat value, abuts existing City of La Canada/Flintridge open space, existing trail system.
Churches Court ROV Low Marginal resource values, disturbed, additional potential access into Wildwood Canyon Park.
Deerpass Road-

Henderson Canyon


ROV Medium Excellent habitat value, abuts existing City of Glendale open space, located just outside of SEA No. 40.
Deukmejian Wilderness Park Improvements ROV Medium Improvements would greatly improve public access to park. Possible matching grant in future.
Eagle Rock ROV High Worthy of protection. Poor development potential. Important landmark, regionally significant.
Eaton Canyon Park Expansion ROV Medium Future development likely. Excellent public staging area for Eaton Canyon Park. Low resource value.
Elmwood Canyon ROV Medium Steep slopes with marginal resource values. Acquisition would prohibit extensive hillside developments.
Hahamongna Watershed Park ROV Medium Excellent regional park development and habitat restoration project. Proposition A ’96 funds to the City of Pasadena earmarked for the project.
Janssen Property ROV Medium Growing development threat, motivated seller. Important section of ROV trail.
Kagel Mountain and Canyon ROV High Future development unknown, adjacent to National Forest and key hang-gliding site.
Lakeview Terrace/Sunland Trails Improvements ROV High New entry to USFS and ROV trail from Lakeview Terrace community to replace blocked feeder trail entry and trail improvements.
La Tuna Canyon Park Additions ROV High Future development unknown, critical to overall Verdugo Mountains parkland.
La Tuna Canyon Trailhead Improvements ROV High Improvements to trailhead parking, picnic tables, interpretive signage, and trail work for this northern entrance to parkland in the Verdugo Mountains.
Majors ROV Medium Growing development threat, critical to western Verdugo Mountains habitat integrity.
McDonald Ridge ROV Medium Growing development threat, critical to western Verdugo Mountains habitat and viewshed integrity.
Millard Canyon-Adjacent ROV Medium High development threat, oak grove, marginal public access.
Millard Canyon-Lower ROV Medium Key parcels to provide access into Millard Canyon open space dedication, could be accomplished with trail easements.
Mt. Lukins Trail Connector ROV Medium High priority in ROV Trail plan, trail could be secured with easements.
Oakmont View V-

Engleheard Canyon


ROV High Regionally significant ecological resources, exceptional oak woodland habitat, major portion of Verdugo Mountains SEA (No. 40), existing multi-use trail.
Palmer ROV Low Development plans filed with city of Glendale, isolated parcel with low habitat value.
Placerita Canyon Park Expansion ROV Medium Inholding in Placerita Canyon Park.
Polygon II-

San Rafael Hills


ROV Medium Moderate habitat value, significant viewshed resource, aesthetic and educational resource abuts school for severely-challenged


Rim of the Valley Trail – Sylmar ROV Medium Core ROV trail project from Pacoima Canyon to Interstate 5.
San Rafael Hills Open Space ROV Medium Growing development threat, critical to habitat integrity of San Rafael Hills.
Sierra Madre Hills ROV Medium Growing development threat, important habitat buffer for National Forest, good trail access into San Gabriel Mountains.
Stough Canyon Campground Facility ROV Medium Good regional campground proposal, only facility in Verdugo Mountains.
Stough Canyon Nature Center ROV Medium High priority for Glendale and in ROV plan.
Wentworth Ridge ROV Medium Future development unknown, moderate view and habitat values.
Whitney Canyon Campground ROV High High value habitat adjacent to National Forest, good staging area and regional campground.
Wildwood Canyon Trail ROV Medium Five miles of trails proposed, would link all parks in S.W. Verdugos.
Wildwood Streambed Restoration ROV Medium Stream in upper Wildwood Canyon rapidly eroding, threatening park improvements.
Wilson Canyon/Sylmar to U.S.F.S. Trails ROV High Trail easements and improvements for Wilson Canyon/USFS connectors, little Tujunga and to Balboa overcrossing.


Eastern Santa Monica Mountains
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Benedict Canyon Watershed
Numerous ownerships, part of large contiguous habitat block, high priority for 26-acre Clearview Drive property abutting Griffin Dedication.
Cahuenga Pass Property
Critical wildlife habitat at the eastern end of the range, extensive riparian, woodland, and perennial water resources.
Cazador-Eagle Rock
Outside of SMMC zone and not a ROV project, but important to local green space and viewshed.
Deervale – Sherman Oaks
Core northslope habitat and important viewshed.
Eagle Rock Ridge
Benefits to 134 Freeway viewshed, possible gift, but important to local green space and viewshed.
Ego Development
Integral to Runyon Canyon Park viewshed and watershed.
Elrita Bowl
Critical to maintaining east-west habitat linkage across Laurel Canyon Boulevard, highest priority for 4-acre Otting parcel, at the mouth of Elrita Bowl, remainder medium priority.
Encino Reservoir
Already under public ownership.
Griffith Park-Gencorp
Requires access through city park, future development potential unknown.
Heidelberg Park
Identified by ROV Plan (Mt. Washington #30), excellent resource value, walnut woodland.
Hoag Canyon
Critical Eastern Santa Monica Mountains core habitat, unparalleled woodland and riparian resources.
Lake Hollywood
Regionally significant resource, important viewshed and habitat linkage, current unwilling seller, DWP purchase of eastern portion in litigation, if willing, high priority for full nomination.
Las Pulgas
Parkland use study by SMMC consultant completed.
Laurel Canyon-East Core Habitat
Critical wildlife habitat, corridor, and viewshed. Highest priority to 52-acre Briar Summit property.
Longridge Connector
All major portions purchased or donated, some remainder.
Mandeville Canyon – Eastport
Part of “Big Wild” core habitat and SEA 11, SMMC owns notes.
Mandeville Canyon – Boeckman (Westridge)
Important recreation and habitat resource, part of “Big Wild,” critical public access.
Mandeville Canyon – Upper Additions
Important habitat within “Big Wild,” highest priority for portion below San Vicente Mountain Park.
Marquez Canyon Improvements
Fate of property undetermined.

Sullivan Canyons

Critical recreational resource and habitat linkage, part of “Big Wild.” L.A. County is currently an unwilling seller. If willing, majority of nomination high priority, recommend transfer to SMMC.
Mulholland Gateway Adjacent
Remaining 329-acre portion of Avatar property critical to “Big Wild” and Mulholland viewshed. Includes 17-acre Caplow property.
Mulholland Gateway/


Critical importance to Mulholland Gateway Park and Scenic Corridor.
Mulholland Gateway Park


High development threat within “Big Wild”, important habitat buffer to Mulholland Gateway Park and Topanga State Park, includes Steers property.
Mulholland Gateway Park


Growing development threat, important habitat buffer to Mulholland Gateway Park, part of “Big Wild.”
Oak Forest Canyon
Important cross-mountain habitat linkage adjacent to Fossil Ridge Park, lower portion to be donated by Buckley School.
Oak Forest Addition West
Poor development potential, moderate habitat value.
Old Ranch Equestrian
Important Sullivan Canyon staging area.
Pierce College Farm
Outside SMMC zone, worthy of permanent protection. Acquisition authorized under Topanga-Las Virgenes (Santa Monica Mountains) Conservation District plan.
Runyon/101 Freeway Connector
Multiple owners, most properties critical to main habitat linkage, Runyon Canyon Park inholding key component,Andreson property critical to northern branch of connector.
Runyon/Nichols Canyon Connector
Multiple owners, critical to maintain east-west Santa Monica Mountains wildlife corridor into Runyon Canyon Park.
San Vicente Mountain Park Improvements
Public safety and visitor access improvements to existing park, includes slope stabilization, enhancement of physically challenged access, and eradication of invasive non-native plants.
Sepulveda Wildlife Preserve
Already under public ownership, not in SMMC zone, acquisition authorized under Topanga-Las Virgenes (Santa Monica Mountains) Conservation District plan.
Temescal Canyon Gateway Park Improvements
Health and public safety improvements, including physically challenged access, to existing park visitor serving facilities.
Wilacre Park Improvements
Construction of parking lot, restroom, landscaping, park amenities, and ranger trailer residence.
William O’Douglas Outdoor Classroom, Sooky Goldman Nature Center, Sam Goldman
Nature Center improvements, visitor facilities, amphitheater, Braille Trail and habitat improvements.


Simi Hills
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Ahmanson Ranch SMMCP, SMMNRA, ROV Medium Regionally significant open space and core habitat.
Ahmanson –

La Monte

ROV Medium Important to Simi Hills core habitat integrity.
Ahmanson Ranch –

Native Grassland

SMMCP, ROV Medium Regionally significant ecological resource, availability pending configuration of Ahmanson development project.
Black Canyon ROV High Portions are of major importance to Simi Hills wildlife corridor leading into Sage Ranch parkland.
Castle Peak Ridge ROV Medium Important viewshed, located between Ahmanson Ranch and Bell Canyon, difficult to develop.
Chatsworth Reservoir ROV High Regionally significant habitat and recreational resource, SEA#13, listed species.
Chatsworth Reservoir

East Connector

ROV High Future development pressure growing, exceptional resource and recreation value.
Chatsworth Reservoir

West Connector

ROV High Critical habitat connection to reservoir, superior ecological value, Woolsey Canyon watershed.
Clejan Property ROV High Critical larger parcel for Simi Hills wildlife corridor into Sage Ranch, excellent habitat value.
Coons Property ROV Medium Important parcel for trail and habitat connection from Corriganville Park eastward.
Corriganville Expansion ROV Medium Development proposal in preliminary stage, considerable habitat, recreation and viewshed value.
Crummer/101 Corridor SMMCP Medium Many or all portions moved to high depending on location of future 101 freeway wildlife crossing structure.
Czerwinski ROV Medium Development plans as part of Runkle Ranch Specific Plan are uncertain, southern two thirds critical to Simi Hills core habitat.
Dayton Canyon/

Woolsey Canyon

ROV Medium Includes most of Simi Hills SEA #14, superior habitat resources and linkage value. Mouth of Dayton Canyon critical for West Valley access into Simi Hills.
Duke Property ROV High Key component of habitat linkage into Simi Hills from Corriganville Park.

Palo Comado

SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Valuable buffer to Jordan Ranch, 90-acre Palo Comado Ranch, Inc. parcel includes a portion of Palo Comado Creek of great importance. Development future unknown. Remainder of nomination ranked medium.
Hanging Valley ROV High Upper portions, with exceptional habitat adjacent to Sage Ranch, are critical to Simi Hills ecosystem.
Kennedy Property ROV High Critical component to Simi Hills/118 freeway wildlife corridor and to viewshed.
Liberty Canyon North SMMCP Medium Many or all portions of property could be moved to high priority, depending on location of 101 freeway wildlife crossing structure.
Lilac Sliver ROV High Critical connection between Corriganville Park and Santa Susana Mountains State Park.
Oak Valley Farms ROV Medium Key acquisition for Santa Susana Mts. State Park, excellent for recreation and wildlife.
118 Corridor Additions ROV High Majority of properties critical to 118 freeway/Simi Hills wildlife corridor, some portions receive medium ranking.
Pass Club (A&B) ROV High Both A and B are important to Simi Hills/118 freeway wildlife corridor. Specific portions are critical.
Pioneer Pass ROV Medium Unique habitat and trail corridor, historic and recreational importance.
Sage Ranch Park Additions ROV High Expansion of priority wildlife habitat linkage connecting to 118 feeway, protection of upper Dayton and Woosley canyons for linkage to Chatsworth Reservoir, parts of SEA #14.
Santa Susana Park Expansion ROV Medium Multiple parcels, virtually all of which have important habitat, park and viewshed value. Some should be rated high for strategic connections.
Stoney Point-North ROV High Exceptional rock formations adjacent to Stoney Point Park. Current funding item in Safe Neighborhood Parks Act of 1996.
Stoney Point to Rocky Peak Corridor ROV High Recreation, trail, habitat, and viewshed linkage between Stoney Point Park and Rocky Peak Park
Twelve Apostles ROV Medium Key, prominent regional rock formation, probably difficult to develop.
Upper Las Virgenes Valley SMMCP, SMMNRA, ROV Medium Portions remain critical to Simi Hills ecosystem and 101 freeway scenic corridor, but not all. Includes Malibu Terrace and Continental Communities Projects in SEA #12.


Western Rim of the Valley
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Alamos Canyon & Vicinity ROV High Many portions worthy of high ranking, critical both to wildlife corridor into Simi Hills and to concerned section of Santa Susana ecosystem, remainder is ranked medium.
Alamos/Tierra Rejada Connector ROV Medium Portions are worthy of high ranking, critical to habitat linkages into northwest portion of Simi Hills.
Big Mountain/

Happy Camp Additions

ROV Medium Portions are potentially critical pending development outcome of Messenger Development property.
Big Sky Ranch ROV High Core Santa Susana Mountains habitat located principally in Tapo Canyon.
Brown’s Canyon ROV High Critical trail access to Brown’s Canyon, excellent riparian habitat.
Cactus Hill-Chatsworth ROV Medium Important, locally significant resources, high resource value per acre, under bankruptcy trustee.
Doheny Real Property ROV Medium Superior interior Santa Susana Mountains property, woodland and grassland.
East Canyon Improvements ROV High Trailhead, visitor center, ranger station project for gateway property to Santa Clarita Woodlands.
Gates Project-Santa Clarita ROV Medium Major portions form critical habitat and habitat linkage component to San Gabriel Mountains, located between Interstate 5 and Highway 14.
Hondo Oil Property – Newhall Pass ROV Medium Key interface parcel for habitat connection into the San Gabriel Mountains, only portions critical.
Hummingbird Ranch ROV Medium Valuable habitat to Rocky Peak habitat system, has facilities and spring water.
Las Llajas Canyon – Small Lots ROV Medium Key access and habitat buffer, a few strategic parcels should be ranked high.
Marr Ranch ROV Medium Key portions comprise critical wildlife habitat in the central Santa Susana Mountains ecosystem.

Pico Canyon – Improvements

ROV High Restoration and improvements of historic structures to existing, pioneer oil town in resource-rich Pico Canyon.
Moorpark-Messenger ROV High Key areas ranked high, some portions should be ranked medium and not considered for acquisition.

Wildwood Canyon

ROV Medium Portions significant to viability of habitat linkage between 5 and 14 freeways, excellent oak tree resources.
Oat Mountain-CCC Camp ROV Medium Valuable facilities resource in key location at high elevation in Santa Susana Mountains.
Old Mission Trail ROV Medium Portions already protected should be ranked low, remainder is important, requires additional study.
Old Road/McHaddad Property ROV Medium Difficult to develop but rich habitat and vital Interstate Highway 5 viewshed.
Pioneer Oil Refinery, Newhall ROV Medium Significant historical importance, moderate habitat value.
Poe Property-

Cocky Bull Ranch

ROV High Extremely significant, core Santa Susana Mountains habitat.
Rocky Peak Park Improvements ROV High Trail improvements and habitat restoration on previously purchased parkland, possible connectors to Devil and Brown Canyon’s.
Runkle Ranch-East Additions ROV High Exceptional habitat, recreation and viewshed value, strong development pressure.
Runkle Ranch-Santa Clarita Woodlands Connector ROV Medium Critical core habitat and wildlife corridor within the Santa Susana Mountains, low development pressure.
San Gabriel Mountains Corridor ROV Medium Portions of all properties critical to inter-mountain range habitat connection, includes numerous parcels between Interstate 5 and Highway 14.
Santa Clarita-Orcutt Ranch ROV High Core component of Santa Clarita Woodlands, ridge of Santa Susana Mountains low development pressure.
Santa Clarita Woodlands Park Improvements ROV High Numerous improvements necessary to facilitate safe visitor use of existing

3500-acre woodlands park.

Santa Clarita Woodlands Park ROV High Regional and state-wide habitat significance – major portion purchased by MRCA, overlaps other component nominations.
SEA #64 ROV Medium Ecologically important, approved Los Angeles County development in litigation.
Sierra Pelona/ Ritter Improvements High Trailhead parking, trails improvements, visitor-serving improvements, habitat restoration.
Twin Lakes

(Mayan Drive)

Medium Ecologically rich section of lower Devil Canyon Creek, large flat pad for facilities. Staff has extended project boundary upstream to include all watershed from Lima property to existing SMMC Devil Canyon dedication


Western Santa Monica Mountains
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Abrams Adjacent Riopharm SMMCP Medium Valuable buffer to Abrams wildlife corridor parcel, many other values.
Abrams Proprty SMMCP High Critical Parcel to permit a cross-101 freeway to Liberty Canyon wildlife corridor, unmitigable for development, high resource value.
Abrams to Malibu Creek State Park Connector SMMCP High Majority of most parcels are critical, essential acquisitions will be determined over time, development potential varies widely.
Adamson SMMCP, SMMNRA High High priority on State Park acquisition list. High quality habitat, regionally significant Malibu Canyon viewshed.
Agoura Road/101 Freeway Wedge SMMCP High The westernmost parcels are critical to a wildlife overcrossing, all parcels are to a freeway undercrossing.
Arroyo Sequit Adjacent SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Provides link between Arroyo Sequit and National Park Service property.
Arroyo Sequit Eastern Watershed SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Important resource component to habitat block east of NPS lands, high habitat and viewshed value.
Auerbach – Corral Canyon SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Critical upper Corral Canyon watershed.
Backbone Trail Additions SMMCP, SMMNRA High Remainder of Backbone Trail parcels between Kanan Road and Circle X Ranch.

Backbone Trail

Additions- Belas/

Cold Creek Canyon Property



High Critical stretch of Backbone Trail spur, part of Cold Creek watershed SEA No. 9 and County-designated Cold Creek Resource Management Area,

abuts both the SMMC’s Stunt Ranch property and the Mountains Restoration Trust’s Cold Creek Preserve.

Calabasas Grade Parcels SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Two parcels across 101 freeway from Crummer Canyon are critical for a freeway wildlife crossing, plus contain high resource value, parcel at Las Virgenes and 101 Freeway provides critical viewshed.
Calabasas Highlands Adjacent SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Rich habitat and viewshed importance, could contribute to trail linkage to Old Topanga Road, claimed by SMMC as tax deeded property.
Carbon Canyon SMMCP, SMMNRA Low Coastal violation due to illegal grading on site, disturbed habitat, not park adjacent.
Carlisle Canyon SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Quality north-slope habitat off of Vetter Motorway.
Carlisle Canyon-

Donnell Ranch

SMMCP, SMMNRA High Self-contained watershed with riparian, oak and remote habitat resources, strong potential as parkland unit.
Charmlee Park Additions SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Good quality riparian habitat, Backbone Trail buffer zone and viewshed.
Circle X Inholding SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Critical to parkland viewshed, Backbone Trail, and Arroyo Sequit watershed.
Cold Creek Preserve-Loh SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Mountains Restoration Trust owns partial interest in both parcels. Important Backbone Trail Buffer.
Cold Creek Restoration SMMCP, SMMNRA Low Habitat restoration project on existing parklands.
Cold Creek Ridge Properties SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Regionally significant ridgeline, rock outcroppings, critical to Cold Creek core habitat, Belas property purchased.
Cold Creek Watershed SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Growing development threat, numerous small lots.
Conejo Ridge SMMCP Medium Unique valley oak/coastal sage scrub habitat, critical freeway viewshed, abuts Linfin SMMC Parkland.
Conejo Ridge – East SMMCP Low Good habitat and viewshed resources but partially surrounded by diffuse development.
Corral Canyon-Lower SMMCP, SMMNRA High Last undeveloped coastal canyon in zone, could be acquired as part of Hope land exchange.
County Line-Leo Carrillo


SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Critical coastal piece surrounded by parkland on three sides.
Decker Canyon-Upper SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Some steep rocky slopes, scenic, good extension of NPS Unit.
Deer Creek Watershed SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Regionally-significant coastal canyon and stream habitat.
Encinal Canyon-Upper SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Steep terrain, headwaters of Encinal Canyon, not park adjacent.
Escondido Canyon SMMCP, SMMNRA High High quality coastal riparian canyon property, upstream from existing SMMC Flood property.
Escondido Falls-Murphy SMMCP, SMMNRA High Growing development threat, includes spectacular waterfalls and high quality riparian habitat.
Francisco – Arroyo Sequit SMMCP, SMMNRA Low Long frontage on Mulholland Highway, steep slopes, not park adjacent.
Greer Ranch-West Malibu Canyon SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Strategic Las Virgenes Road habitat linkage, south of Malibu Creek State Park Campground.
Haworth Meadow SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Potential public access into Zuma/

Trancas Park unit.

Hepatic Gulch SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium SEA #7, exceptional biodiversity.
Kanan Trailhead Connector SMMCP, SMMNRA High Trail and access connector project across easement to upper Ramirez Canyon.
Kincaid Cabins SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Adjacent to Zuma/Trancas park on three sides, NPS Fee acquisition.
La Sierra Canyon-Lower SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Portions contain significant riparian woodland worthy of high ranking, also important to Mulholland Scenic Highway.
La Sierra Canyon-Upper SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Regionally significant botanical area, portions worthy of high ranking, significant importance to Mulholland Scenic Highway.
Lady Face Mountain-North SMMCP, LFMSP Medium All upland habitat, majority with moderate protection under the Lady Face Mountain Specific Plan, considerable viewshed and habitat value.
Las Virgenes Canyon Road SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Trailer park site south of King Gillette Ranch, moderate habitat value.
Las Virgenes Creek SMMCP, SMMNRA Low Portion already owned by flood control and HOA’s, extremely valuable willow riparian woodland, should be a dedication.
Las Virgenes


SMMCP Medium Portions contain significant botanical habitat value, freeway viewshed.
Las Virgenes Valley Views (Micor) SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium High quality habitat and viewshed for both the Las Virgenes Scenic Corridor and Malibu Creek State Park, critical habitat linkage south from 101 freeway.
Latigo Canyon-Lower


SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium High development threat, critical parcel for Coastal Slope Trail.
Latigo Canyon Small Lots SMMCP, SMMNRA Low Very small lots in developed area.
Latigo Canyon-Upper SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Steep slopes, very remote, adjacent to NPS land, portion in Solstice Canyon watershed.
Leo Carrillo State Park Additions SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Growing development threat, excellent riparian habitat, potential equestrian staging facilities.
Little Sycamore Canyon Road – Arroyo Sequit SMMCP, SMMNRA High Important viewshed in upper Arroyo Sequit Watershed, unique vegetation, some areas unmitigable if developed, eastern half is less important.
Little Sycamore Canyon – Bianchi SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Steep slopes above Yerba Buena Creek , key viewshed.
Lobo Canyon SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Strategic parcel in middle of west fork of Lobo Creek, partially graded.
Long Grade Canyon SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Unique valley topography with high quality coastal, volcanic substrate habitat. Valuable view and watershed.
Los Alisos Canyon-Upper SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium NPS Fee acquisition, adjacent to Leo Carrillo and Nicholas Flats.
Malibu Canyon – Adamson Property SMMCP High The Adamson property is a high priority on the State Park’s acquisition list with regionally significant viewshed and habitat values within SEA #5.
Malibu Canyon SEA 5 SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Overlaps with several other projects, which are high priority. Project boundary reflects SEA boundary.
Malibu Canyon-

Eastern Views

SMMCP, SMMNRA High Critical protection for the eastern rim of the Malibu Canyon gorge, quality habitat in SEA #5, some parcels ranked medium.
Malibu Canyon-Western Views SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Remote high quality chaparral habitat. Located between Adamson and Mesa Peak projects.
Malibu Creek State Park Additions-April Road Inholdings SMMCP, SMMNRA High Critical inholdings in north central portion of park, important to habitat and trail linkages.
Malibu Creek State Park Additions- Ebsen Inholding SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Important inholding in Liberty Canyon, key to trail linkage. Proposed for subdivision of Land.
Malibu Creek State Park Additions-Richards SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Important small parcel between King Gillette Ranch and Malibu Creek State Park. Unmitigable impacts to park and to wildlife movement potential if developed.
Malibu Creek State Park Western Additions SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Scattered ecologically rich and remote small parcels west of the state park in a designated wilderness area.
Malibu Lakeside SMMCP, SMMNRA Low Parcels interior to developed area include substantial recreational value.
Mesa Peak SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Spectacular views and excellent undisturbed habitat. North of Auerbach, south of Malibu Creek State Park.
Neale’s Oak SMMCP Medium Tree should be preserved through the environmental review process.
Old Topanga Canyon Road- Calabasas SMMCP, SMMNRA Low Small, steep lot in low density developed area. Not park adjacent.

Kanan Connector

SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Provides important viewshed to Paramount Ranch and to Kanan Road Corridor, guarantees a habitat connection to east side of Kanan Road.
Piuma Road Adjacent SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Straddles Piuma Road. Critical regional viewshed. Small portion already ranked high under Malibu Canyon Eastern Viewshed Project.
Ramirez Canyon SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Growing development threat. Both parcels adjacent to Kanan Road, surrounded by NPS land on three sides.
Rancho Lancelyn – Dark Canyon SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Developed ranch, potential site for Backbone Trail overnight equestrian facility, significant mountain spring.
Red Rock Extension SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Important additions to Stunt Ranch/Red Rock/Cold Creek habitat and parkland.
Seminole Overlook Adjacent SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Surrounds existing SMMC overlook on Mulholland Highway, considerable viewshed value along scenic corridor, moderate habitat value.
Serrano Canyon – Upper SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Valuable habitat and viewshed buffer to Point Mugu State park, difficult development access.
Skylark – County Line SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Minimal habitat value and moderate viewshed value to Pacific Coast Highway
Solstice Canyon-Upper SMMCP, SMMNRA High Most of these parcels are high priority acquisitions in the Santa Monica Mountains Comprehensive Plan with undisturbed, prime riparian habitat an watershed.
Stokes Canyon Core Habitat SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Remote, minimally disturbed habitat, important for northern east-west habitat linkage from Malibu Creek State Park to Cold Creek watershed.
Stokes Canyon-

Micor Adjacent

SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Small ridgeline parcel visibile from Las Virgenes Scenic Corridor.
Sugar Loaf Mountain SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Adjacent to NPS Paramoount Ranch land, majority is undevelopable but portions are worthy of protection.

Summit Connector

SMMCP, SMMNRA High High development threat, important east/west wildlife corridor, includes Calabasas Peak Motorway and Henry Ridge Trail between Topanga Canyon Boulevard and Stunt Ranch Park. Moved to high priority to protect prominent ridgeline and viewshed above Edmund D. Edelman/Summit Valley Park.
Topanga Canyon-Lower SMMCP, SMMNRA High Core coastal chaparral habitat. Lower creek area creek highly disturbed. Important western addition to Topanga State Park.
Triunfo Canyon-Upper/West SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Remote habitat which abuts one side of Westlake Vista open space, important watershed land.
Triunfo East Watershed SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Comprises back (south) side of Lady Face Mountain, forms a complete landscape unit, many portions with high habitat value.
Tuna Canyon –

SEA 10

SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium High development threat, excellent riparian habita, important wildlife corridor.
Vernon Property SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Important to protect viewshed of main crest of mountain range, portions important to Malibu Gorge viewshed and east-west wildlife movement, Dempster portion of nomination partially purchased with 1992 Proposition A funds.
Voiss Ranch SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Potential opportunity purchase, good trailhead for Cold Creek area.
Wagon Wheel Ranch and Adjacent – Calabasas SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium High development pressure, large core habitat area that includes Continental Communities property.
Wilmot Lane – Solstice Canyon SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Solstice Canyon Park viewshed, Regionally significant ridgeline, important for Coastal Slope Trail.
Zuma/Trancas Additions SMMCP, SMMNRA Medium Parcels complementary to existing parkland, moderate habitat and viewshed value