Who We Are and What We Do: History, Mission, and Accomplishments The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy was established by the California State Legislature in 1980. Since that time, it has helped to preserve over 75,000 acres of parkland in both wilderness and urban settings, and improved more than 114 public recreational facilities throughout Southern California. Additionally, it has given grants to nonprofit organizations for educational and interpretation programs that have served hundreds of thousands of children and other park visitors. Mission Statement Through direct action, alliances, partnerships, and joint powers authorities, the Conservancy’s mission is to strategically buy back, preserve, protect, restore, and enhance treasured pieces of Southern California to form an interlinking system of urban, rural and river parks, open space, trails, and wildlife habitats that are easily accessible to the general public. Partnership The key to the Conservancy’s success has been partnerships. The Conservancy maximizes its effectiveness by working together with local government, joint powers entities, landowners, State and Federal agencies, and community-based organizations to secure and develop parkland. Through a strategic planning process that includes substantial community participation and input, the Conservancy’s projects and priorities are continually updated to reflect the changing dynamics of the region. Board MembersThe Conservancy consists of nine voting members, three ex officio members and six legislative members. This policy-making entity for the Conservancy is broadly representative of state, regional, and local interests. A twenty-six member Advisory Committee meets jointly with the Conservancy and offers citizens the opportunity for even greater participation.