Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Acquires 96 acres of Prime Open Space above Mulholland Highway Near Old Topanga Canyon Road in Calabasas Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl made acquisition possible by providing $1 million in matching funds for the $2.1 million purchase. CALABASAS, CALIFORNIA (January 4, 2017) The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) announced today the purchase of 96 acres of pristine habitat in the Mulholland Scenic Corridor in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area southwest of the intersection of Dry Canyon Cold Creek Road and Old Topanga Canyon Road near Calabasas High School. In the last days of 2016, the MRCA closed escrow on the 10 parcels adjacent to City of Calabasas-owned Creekside Park. Supervisor Sheila Kuehl championed the protection of the property which comprises a significant north-south oriented ridgeline visible from several vantage points in the Santa Monica Mountains, and contains large stands of coast live oaks, coastal sage scrub, and chaparral. At a headwaters of the Los Angeles River, an unnamed tributary crosses the property to a confluence with the Dry Creek Canyon drainage, which flows into Calabasas Creek. Kuehl offered $1 million in Los Angeles County Proposition A funds as matching funds. The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy granted the remaining $1.1 million in Proposition 1 funds. “Kuehl’s leadership made possible the expansion of public parkland in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area to the urban edge and permanent protection of the Scenic Old Topanga Corridor,” Said Joseph T. Edmiston, Executive Officer of the MRCA. “The acquisition of these pristine 96 acres is one more vital step in protecting the incredible natural environment that our County residents are lucky enough to call home,” said Supervisor Sheila Kuehl. “I feel fortunate to have been a part of several key acquisitions and I’m committed to making sure that our natural habitat and open space are protected for our children and grandchildren.” The parcels link nearby publicly-owned lands that provide critical linkages for both people and wildlife. A section of the Calabasas Highlands trail begins at the southwestern property corner in the historic Calabasas Highlands neighborhood. That multi-use trail connects to Calabasas Peak Motorway along the spine of the mountain range. The other existing trail access is along the northern property boundary from Dry Creek Canyon Road. That trail origin can be accessed by public transportation. Conservation of the property permanently protects the historic viewshed from the San Fernando Valley into Old Topanga and will protect water resources, combat climate change, and expand recreational opportunities in the Santa Monica Mountains. The Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA) is a local government public entity dedicated to the preservation and management of open space and parkland, watershed lands, trails, and wildlife habitat. The MRCA works in cooperation with other government partners to acquire parkland, participate in vital planning processes, provide natural resources and scientific expertise, and complete major park improvement projects. The MRCA manages and provides ranger services and fire protection for almost 72,000 acres of parkland that it owns and that are owned by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy or other agencies and provides comprehensive education and interpretation and leadership programs for youth. It is one of the lead agencies providing for the revitalization of the Los Angeles River.