June 7, 2018 – SCWRCA Attachments I Call to Order. [no attachment] II Administration of oath of office to new member. [no attachment] III Roll call. [no attachment] IV Election of officers. [no attachment] V Public comment on agenda items or any other matter. [no attachment] VI Consent calendar: (a) Approval of minutes from the meeting of December 3, 2015. [Minutes] (b) Consideration of resolution to receive and file Independent Auditor’s Report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] (c) Consideration of resolution to receive and file Independent Auditor’s Report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2016. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] (d) Consideration of resolution to receive and file Independent Auditor’s Report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] VII Report from Mountains Recreation Conservation Authority ranger on Whitney Canyon Park and other park locations. [no attachment] VIII Consideration of resolution recommending that the Governing Board review the draft SCWRCA Budget for fiscal year 2017-18 and send the draft budget to the City of Santa Clarita and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for approval. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] IX Consideration of resolution recommending that the Governing Board review the draft SCWRCA Budget for fiscal year 2018-19 and send the draft budget to the City of Santa Clarita and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for approval. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment] X Consideration of resolution adopting the fiscal year 2017-2018 Workprogram. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attach 1] [Attach 2] [Attach 3] [Attach 4] [Attach 5] XI Consideration of resolution adopting the fiscal year 2018-2019 Workprogram. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attach 1] [Attach 2] [Attach 3] [Attach 4] [Attach 5] XII Update on granting an access easement over a portion of APN 3210-002-901 in the Agua Dulce area to Southern California Edison. [Staff Report] [Attach 1] [Attach 2] [Attach 3] [Attach 4] [Attach 5] [Attach 6] XIII Update on granting an access easement over portions of APNs 3210-005-914, 916 and 3210-008-901, 902 in the Soledad Canyon area to Southern California Edison. [Attachment] XIV Statements, responses, questions, or directions to staff pursuant to Section 54954.2(a) of the Government Code. [no attachment] XV Announcement of future meeting and adjournment. [no attachment]