Accessibility Website Accessibility SMMC Website Accessibility Compliance Certificate The following resources are available to interested parties and to visitors with vision impairments: List of available screen readers (From Wikipedia) DAISY Consortium – Equal access to information and knowledge, regardless of disabilities. California’s Ability Tools Network – California Assistive Technology System LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Center for Accessible Technology [CAT]Wikipedia on Web Accessibility Adobe Acrobat Reader – Accessibility Version – Free. Screen reader users and persons with low vision should also download the Adobe Reader update to use the “Read Out Loud” feature. Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Accessibility The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy (Conservancy) works to ensure that every program, service and activity is accessible to visitors of all abilities, including those with limitations. Conservancy parks are managed by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA). The MRCA strives to eliminate barriers that may prevent patrons with disabilities from accessing our facilities or participating in MRCA programs, services and activities. When requesting accommodations, please contact the MRCA at least three (3) days prior to the date these services/items are needed. General Parks and Facilities: Services, (310) 456-7049(310) 858-7272 X 225 Employment-Related Concerns:Zagreb De La Torre, (323) 221-9944 Policy on the Use of Wheelchairs and Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices that Allow Access to Individuals with Mobility Disabilities on Trails Owned or Managed by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority