SCWRCA December 3, 2020 Attachments December 3, 2020 – SCWRCA I Call to Order. [no attachment] II Administration of oath of office. a) Administration of oath of office to Ms. Janine Prado. Appointed by the City of Santa Clarita. [no attachment] b) Administration of oath of office to Mr. Rudy Ortega. Appointed by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. [no attachment] III Roll call. [no attachment] IV Election of Officers. [no attachment] V Public comment on agenda items or any other matter. [no attachment] VI Approval of minutes from the meeting of June 6, 2019. [Draft Minutes] VII Report from Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority ranger on Whitney Canyon Park and other park locations. [no attachment] VIII SCWRCA Budget. (a) Consideration of resolution recommending that the Governing Board review the amended SCWRCA Budget for fiscal year 2019-2020 and send the amended budget to the City of Santa Clarita and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for approval. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Amended Budget] (b) Consideration of resolution recommending that the Governing Board review the draft SCWRCA Budget for fiscal year 2020-2021 and send the draft budget to the City of Santa Clarita and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for approval. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Draft Budget] IX Consideration of resolution adopting the fiscal year 2020-2021 Workprogram. [Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attach 1] [Attach 2] [Attach 3] [Attach 4] X Consideration of resolution reestablishing regular meetings of the Authority pursuant to the Ralph M. Brown Act and in compliance with Executive Order N-29-20. [Staff Report] [Resolution] XI Introduction and first reading of Ordinance Establishing Park Rules and Regulations and Prescribing the Punishment for Violation Thereof, as duly adopted and amended by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, on properties owned and managed by the Santa Clarita Watershed Recreation and Conservation Authority. [Staff Report] [Attachment] XII Statements, responses, questions, or directions to staff pursuant to Section 54954.2(a) of the Government Code. [no attachment] XIII Announcement of future meeting and adjournment. [no attachment]